Amazing Women’s Dreams

Surrender to the White Buffalo
Since 2003, I have started to build a body of work called Amazing Women’s Dreams, which, when completed (estimated finish date 5 years from now) will be the basis for an art exhibit. These dream paintings will be a contemplation of questions like: What do amazing women have in common? What are their dream experiences like? What muses guide them? Have any of their dreams influenced a major life change or redirection? What demons have they confronted?
This project will be a glimpse into these women’s psyches, which will not only be fascinating, but will give the Feminine Hero a voice and encourage others among us to take our dreams more seriously.

Brenda Ferrimani and Joan Borysenko
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. has given me her powerful and transformative dream to paint, “Meeting the Inner Saboteur”, which was just completed in April 2005, and was exhibited in June of 2005 at the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) annual conference’ dream art show, in Berkeley CA. The dream allows a look at those darker regions of the soul where the Inner Saboteur resides in each of us.

Kathleen Sullivan
My first painting in this body of work was called “Surrender to the White Buffalo.” This powerful dream was perceived to be an initiation dream and the beginning of Kathleen’s spiritual work. Soon after the dream, Kathleen Sullivan was given a weekly radio talk show, and since then her dream work continues to expand.

Patricia Garfield and Branching Woman
“The Branching Woman”, is a retelling of a dream given to me by Patricia Garfield. A beautiful dream about a woman with branches growing out of her head told in her best selling book “Creative Dreaming” (p. 227), and also in her new book “Morning Dove Dream Poems”, and it marked a period of great career growth for Patricia. This painting was featured in her talk “Creativity and Dreaming” at the Montreal IASD conference in the summer of 2008, and was part of the conference art show. I was interviewed by a Gestalt therapist during this conference about the painting. It was a very interesting experience shedding light on my own interior.

Candace Pert and Brenda Ferrimani
Candace Pert joined my project shortly after the dream conference in Montreal, in 2008. I visited her at her Washington D.C. home and she shared with me her dream journal. What an incredible scientist and delightful person she is! We had a wonderful conversation about her dreams and their meanings. The dreams she shared inspired “Luna Lights” (finished in 2009). Candace received a free print of this artwork for her generous support and later I sold the original to one of her admirers who happens to also be an art lover! “Luna Lights” has a new home in this patron’s music room!
All purchasers of originals have agreed to release them to me, for a short time, when the art show comes together.
Recently I have interviewed another amazing woman for my project! She is Polly Letofsky “3mph-The Adventures of One Woman’s Walk Around the World.” It’s a very captivating read,

Polly Letofsky
and YES!— This amazingly brave woman walked 14,000 miles across 4 continents, around the world for breast cancer. She, as you might imagine, journaled a lot during her walk on her laptop computer— I was surprised that a dream was included in her book as an important part of her story! It has a nightmarish quality and when you read the book you discover how precognitive the dream was. I’m very excited to begin the project! Here’s part of the dream I am to paint, located on page 307 in her book:
“I’m standing alone at an intersection, my mind racing. Where is everyone? Should I call 911? Should I hide? Should I run? In which direction? I stand in the middle of an empty intersection as the last light of day disappears, surrounded by vacant houses and desolate streets. Turning around and around looking for someone, something, any sign of life. I’m spinning now, faster, faster, faster. — Then I woke up.”
Hopefully this painting will be finished soon and I will add even more amazing women to my series next year.
I am continuing pursuit of women who will inspire us all with their dreams and stories. I have only three requirements and that is that each woman is brave, lives consciously and values her interior life. The more well known each participant is the better, although it is not a requirement to be famous. I trust that just the right women will find their way to me. What I love most about my project is the way each woman’s dream changes me. This is proving to be an incredible “waking dream” journey for me in my own personal transformation!
Stay tuned!
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